???? 第23屆中國全部玻璃工業技術展覽會定于2012年4月02日~05日在上海新全部博覽中心舉辦。該展覽會是我國惟一得到國家和玻璃行業相關的相關部門部門和全國行業協會大力支持的亞洲非常大規模的?全部玻璃展覽會,是世界上三大全部玻璃展覽會之一。 ?????? 開幕日期:2012年04月02日 閉幕日期:2012年04月05日 展會城市:上海 展會場館:上海新全部博覽中心 主辦單位:中國硅酸鹽協會 承辦單位:上海市硅酸鹽協會 ??????? 參展公司:浙江 陽明光伏材料有限公司 ?????? 展?????????位:E7-062 ????? ?聯 系 人:吳璇 ??? ?? 聯系號碼: [詳情]
EVA laminated glass film: EVA film is a high-viscosity film material sheet which is made of the polymer resin (ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer) as the main raw material, adding special additives, processed by special equipment, also known as modified “EVA laminated glass film” within the industry. For inorganic glass, it has a strong bond strength with tough, transparent, heat, cold, bond strength, high elongation, moisture resistance and good features. ?/span> The EVA laminated film is an ideal and economical adhesive material for laminated safety glass production, and could partly replace PVB material in automotive, construction and decoration industry. Produced with this material, the safety laminated glass can achieve security, insulation, wind resistance, impact resistance, sound insulation, anti-ultraviolet desired effect. ?/span> The strengthening laminated glass corresponding to customers: building industry. ?/span> High transparent laminated film, with high transparency, good adhesion, weather resistance and impact resistance, is mainly used in construction industry. It is suitable for out door construction of laminated safety glass, Auto glass and bullet-proof glass. ?/span> Strengthening film and color film are the EVA film for decoration works use only, which is normally associated with PET back film, portrait paper (PP, PVC), silk, metal wire, paper, glass fiber, fabric in combination. Color is free to choose so that can produce a variety of high-grade highly artistic decorative glass, mainly playing a part in entertainment hotel, Plaza, home door, and other decorative industries. [詳情]
產品名稱 規格 價格 包裝 等級 紫色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 棕色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 金顏色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 灰色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 灰藍色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 香檳色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 以上價格為彩色EVA玻璃膠片的批量出廠價,當客戶大批量采購時可以采用此價格。該報價由:浙江陽明光伏材料有限公司提供 [詳情]
產品名稱 規格 價格 包裝 等級 紅色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 橙色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 顏色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 綠色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 青色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 藍色透明膠片 0.38mm 25元/平方 真空包裝 一等品 以上價格為批量出廠價,即用于膠片大數量出售時所采用的價格基準。該報價由:浙江陽明光伏材料有限公司提供 [詳情]
新年又如約而至,不因為我們過去的一年里是碌碌無為還是乘風破浪,原地踏步還是直上青天,蓄勢待發還是一鳴驚人。新年如同往常,如同之前過完的每個新年一樣,在一片喜慶的氛圍里龍年到了。之前的一年里,我們浙江陽明因為各位同業和合作伙伴的支持,用心做好產品,用心做好服務,努力生產出符合行業標準乃至更加精美的膠片等產品,并且通過和客戶之間的良好信任建立了十分有效率的合作關系。由于客戶的大力支持,本公司去年的收支基本山保持一個動態的平衡,相對于成本耗費較高的原材料之外,機器的運轉和損耗,人力資源成本,管理成本,售后服務成本等等,本公司對于去年的交易成果尚算控制在一個大致可以接受的范圍,對于公司的運營來說,可以說得上是半個成功的形式。 新的一年要有新氣象不論是我司還是各位同行同業都需要在這邊努力進行公司實力的增加,和對于產品的研究和開發,努力更新換代產品,增加產品的技術含量和附加值。希望商業伙伴們和我司一樣可以慢慢從小到大,一點一滴地進行成長,慢慢發展為玻璃膠片行業中的生產貿易商。 [詳情]
EVA solar cell packaging film corresponding to the customer base: photovoltaic industry component suppliers. Solar cell module is mainly applied to power plants, solar light power generation, public lighting, life lighting and other areas. EVA solar cell film could make EVA cross-linking throughout chemical cross-linking method. For more convenient to operate, it would be non-tacky at room temperature. Under certain vacuum hot pressing, it appears vacuum hot melt adhesive and cross-linking solidified. It always is used in making protective layer a stable bond for solar cells package, glass, silicon wafer and TPT. Cured film is of high transmittance, good sealing and weather resistance, meeting the use requirement of solar modules. By Yangming photovoltaic material co.,ltd ? ? [詳情]