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金剛石破碎料RVD用于加工寶石、陶瓷、玻璃、硬質合金、電鍍制品、金剛石砂輪、金剛石軟磨片等 Synthetic diamond powder (RVD ) Henan JingXin micron powder Abrasive CO.,LTD. supply RVD synthetic diamond powder also called RVD[Resin bond and Vitrified bond diamond]synthetic diamond grit,this grade diamond powder / diamond grit feasures good self-shapening and strong mechanical retention,widely used for natural diamond bruting,gem stone cutting and synthetic diamond tools ,RVD diamond grit is the ideal industrial diamond grain for resin bond diamond tools used for tungsten carbide tools processing , this kind of synthetic diamond is also used for fine ceramics,variety of glasses and other hard materials grinding.SIZE::30/40,40/50,50/60,60/70,70/80,80/100,100/120,120/140,140/170,170/200, 200/230,230/270,270/325,325/400, 400/500.
網址: http://shwpcd.glass.com.cn
計量單位: 供貨總量: 最小起訂量:0 產品單價: 品牌: 規格型號: 包裝說明: