


  • 中玻跨境
  • 藝術夾層玻璃

    it is a kind of laminated glass with a picture, paper, silk, or cloth pressed into the pvb layer by two panes of glasses. so it owns both advanced features: beaty and security.? characteristics:?????

    2014-05-19 0
  • 藝術夾層玻璃

    it is a kind of laminated glass with a picture, paper, silk, or cloth pressed into the pvb layer by two panes of glasses. so it owns both advanced features: beaty and security.? characteristics:?????

    2014-05-19 0
  • 夾膠玻璃

    laminated glass is a kind of perfect safe glass, and it is produced through adhering two or more panes of glass together with a polyvinyl butyral (pvb) layer using heat and high pressure. if broken by

    2014-05-19 0
  • 藝術夾層玻璃

    it is a kind of laminated glass with a picture, paper, silk, or cloth pressed into the pvb layer by two panes of glasses. so it owns both advanced features: beaty and security.? characteristics:?????

    2014-05-19 0
  • 夾膠玻璃

    laminated glass is a kind of perfect safe glass, and it is produced through adhering two or more panes of glass together with a polyvinyl butyral (pvb) layer using heat and high pressure. if broken by

    2014-05-19 0
  • 夾膠玻璃

    laminated glass is a kind of perfect safe glass, and it is produced through adhering two or more panes of glass together with a polyvinyl butyral (pvb) layer using heat and high pressure. if broken by

    2014-05-19 0
  • 藝術夾層玻璃

    it is a kind of laminated glass with a picture, paper, silk, or cloth pressed into the pvb layer by two panes of glasses. so it owns both advanced features: beaty and security.? characteristics:?????

    2014-05-19 0
  • 藝術夾層玻璃

    it is a kind of laminated glass with a picture, paper, silk, or cloth pressed into the pvb layer by two panes of glasses. so it owns both advanced features: beaty and security.? characteristics:?????

    2014-05-19 0
  • 藝術夾層玻璃

    it is a kind of laminated glass with a picture, paper, silk, or cloth pressed into the pvb layer by two panes of glasses. so it owns both advanced features: beaty and security.? characteristics:?????

    2014-05-19 0
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