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供應隔音材料1260標準型陶瓷纖維紙 陶瓷纖維墊片
分類溫度: ?硅酸鋁耐火纖維紙 1260℃ SORT TEMPERQATURE: ?Alumino-silicate refractory fiber paper 1260℃ 生產工藝: ? 在借鑒傳統機制造紙生產工藝和造紙機械的基礎上,自行開發建成了濕法無機陶瓷纖維機械化連續生產線。 ? 以渣球含量極低的造紙專用陶瓷纖維為原料、經打漿、除渣、配漿、長網成型、真空脫水、干燥、剪切、打卷等工序制成質地優良的地機陶瓷纖維紙。 PROCESSION: ? On the base of traditional process of paper making and paper machinry,the mechanical product line of wet inorganic ceramicfiber paper is developed and established. ?With the special ceramic fiber as raw material which contains little residte sphere,the high quality paper is made through slurrying, removing residue, mixing slurry, long-mesh shaping,vacuum dehydrating,drying,cutting and rolling etc. 技術特性: ? 低導熱率系數 ? 低熱容量 ? 抗熱震 ? 優良的柔韌性、抗撕裂 ? 不含石棉、抗腐蝕、不與鋁液作用 ? 優良的電絕級和隔音性能 ? 優良的機械加工性能 ? 質地堅韌、耐壓強度高 TCEHNICAL SPECIALITY: ? Low coefficient of heat-conduction ratio ? Low thermal capacity ? Thermal shock resistance ? High quality of flexility and tear resistance ? Not include adbestos,erosion resistance,net nct with aluminium liquid ? High quality of insulation and sound insulation ? Easiness of mechanical processing ? Tough texture and high quality of compression resistance 產品應用: ? 工業絕緣、密封、防護材料 ? 電熱裝置絕緣、隔熱材料 ? 儀器設備、電熱元件的絕緣和隔熱材料 ? 汽車行業隔熱材料 APPLOCATON: ? Insulation,seal and safety materials for industrial need ? Insulation and heat insulation materials for materials for electrothermal equipments ? Insulation and heat insulation materials for materials for appataus,epuipments and electrothermal components ? Heat insulation materials for automobile
分類溫度℃ |
1260 |
1260 |
1260 |
體積密度Kg/m3 |
200±15 |
200±15 |
200±15 |
有機物含量 % |
6-8 |
6-8 |
6-8 |
平均溫度下導熱系數(w/n.k)體積密度128 Kg/m3 |
200℃ |
0.075-0.085 |
400℃ |
0.115-0.121 |
600℃ |
0.165-0.175 |
主要化學成分 % |
AL2O3 |
45-46 |
45-46 |
45-46 |
SIO2 |
51-52 |
51-52 |
51-52 |
產品標準規格(mm) |
40000×1220×120000×1220×2 |
40000×1220×120000×1220×2 |
900×610×2600×400×3 |
員工人數: 廠房面積: 年營業額:
年進口額: 年出口額: 主要市場:,,
注冊資本: 公司網址:http://sdhy0206.glass.com.cn主營產品:陶瓷纖維模塊+陶瓷纖維毯+陶瓷纖維紙+陶瓷纖維板+陶瓷纖維棉+陶瓷纖維異形件+高溫粘合劑+陶瓷纖維澆注料+氧化鋁纖維棉及制品+氧化鋯纖維棉及制品+多晶纖維制品 公司成立年份:
計量單位:公斤 供貨總量:100000 最小起訂量:1000 產品單價:1.00 品牌: 規格型號:30000*1000*2 包裝說明:紙箱