半透半反鏡,俗稱分光鏡(Beamsplitter),主要用于鏡子電視,汽車后視鏡,數碼相框等電子產品。Is widely used in light division product shch as the mirror TV, Digital Photo Frames and automotive rear-view mirror, etc基片厚度(Substrate thickness):常規
2011-06-17 0前表面反射鏡(FRONT SURFACE MIRROR),也稱高反射鏡.主要用于背投彩電(LCD、LCOS、DLPT)、掃描儀、復印機、傳真機、激光打印機以及手提電腦顯示屏和等需要光學反射的電子產品. (Is widely use in rear projection display applications using microdisplay technologies such as LCD,
2011-06-17 0根據客戶要求,采用不同工藝,鍍各類光學膜。According to customer requirements, using different techniques, produce types of optical film coating.
2011-06-17 0根據客戶需求,可提供相關技術咨詢服務,平板玻璃深加工技術及設備制造。 According to customer needs, can provide technical advisory services, flat glass processing technology and equipment manufacturing
2011-06-17 0