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Fused Silica Grains
Fused Silica Grains , made of F.Sil cullets , by our special processing technologies , grading , crashing , sieving , magnetic separating , to be coarse grains or fine powders for different usages .
Due to Fused silica's low thermal conductivity and excellent thermal shock resistances as well as stable particle size distributions , it is widely used in Crucibles , Technical ceramics , High-grade Refractories , Investment Casting (Stucco & Slurry ) industries etc.
Main Applications
Fused Silica Crucible
Investment Casting & shell casting
Refractory , Technical Ceramic & glass materials
Size Available : cullets , grains or powders
0-100mm, 5-50mm, 8-5mm, 5-3mm, 3-1mm, 1-0mm, 1-0.5mm, 0.5-0.2mm, 0.2-0.1mm, 0.5-0.1mm,
-4+10mesh, -10+20mesh, -20+50mesh, -30+50mesh, -50+100mesh,-100+200mesh , -120F, -200F, -325F, -600F.
徐州新浩泰石英材料有限公司,是專致于石英材料生產及研發的廠家。公司座落江蘇省新沂市。這里是中國石英資源較豐富的產區 。同時,擁有便捷的陸運,海運和空運 。公司充分利用先進的加工設備和工藝技術,生產適合各種產業用途的石英材料 。公司產品主要面向特種陶瓷,光伏材料,半導體,準確鑄造,高等耐火,人造石,油漆涂料等眾多產業 。 公司秉承“質量靠前,信譽至上,精益求精,追求優越”的經營理念,愿為國內外客商提供的產品和真誠的服務,讓我們攜手合作,共創未來! 公司主要產品:熔融石英塊、熔融石英砂、熔融石英粉 ,高白高純石英塊、高白高純石英砂(粉),石英玻璃材料及制品 。
網址: http://newhitechsilica.glass.com.cn
計量單位:噸 供貨總量:1000 最小起訂量:20 產品單價:3000.00 品牌: 規格型號: 包裝說明: