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Certification ISO 9001:2000
Main Customers: Wal-Mart,IKEA,B&Q
Quality Guatantee:Professional Quality Control Team
YJ Silver mirror are made of high quality float glass, double coated with waterproof paint
2.specification: any size follow your requirement
3.many shapes for you choice: round edge(also named as c-edge , pencil edge) , flat edge ,beveled edge etc
4.the mirror surface is clear and bright ,giving distinct and lifelike image
5.the plating layer is rigid and bond and the protective layer impregnable with erosion-resistance
6. High quality clear float glass and modern equipment combine to produce nice feeling mirrors of exceptionally high quality.
7.Applications:widely used as the material mirror sheet for furniture, bathroom, decoration and cosmetic mirror.
1. Silver mirror is a kind of mirror that is used to furniture, bathroom mirror, decorative mirror, and safety mirror with vinyl back. It"s made by clear float glass with one silver layer, one copper layer, and two waterproof paint layers on the back. It"s more durable than aluminum mirror.
2. Deep processing work: engraved mirror with C-edge, F-edge, or Beveled edge polished.
Glass mirror: We are mirror & glass supplier in China, such as silver mirror, aluminum mirror, euro-grey mirror, bronze mirror etc, can be made safety backing, edgework etc, we delivery in time 1. Silver mirror & aluminum mirror 2. Thickness: From 3mm to 6mm 3. Size: 1830*2440, 2134*3300, 2550*1605, 2550*1650 etc, and your size 4. Safety backing: With cat-I & cat-ii 5. Beveled edge, f-edge, c-edge, polished 6. Delivery in time
濰坊玉晶鏡業有限公司 成立于2004年9月,法人代表姚永強先生,公司總投入資金3.1億元,占地面積7.6萬余平方米,建筑面積5.2萬余平方米,是中國非常大無鉛無銅環保銀鏡生產基地之一,地處世界有名的蔬菜之鄉—壽光,東鄰工貿型港口城市青島,西鄰重工業城市淄博,地理位置優越,交通便利。 公司擁有先進的全自動無鉛無銅環保銀鏡生產流水線和一系列進口、國產的各類先進玻璃深加工設備:各種規格的全自動切割機、磨邊機、清洗機、加工中心等各種深加工機器30余臺套。公司是有經驗從事不同厚度、寬度的銀鏡系列原片生產及玻璃深加工、銷售、服務于一體的現代化高科技企業。產品科技含量高,質量高等,是國內有經驗生產普通防水銀鏡、無鉛無銅環保銀鏡和玻璃深加工的廠家之一。 公司在管理上采用全部標準化管理理念,于2006年通過ISO9001質量體系認證。在產品質量上,追求功能和美感的農業生產體系結合,環保和安全的融洽銜接,性能和質量的和諧統一,時尚和實用的無缺組合,以質量就是企業的生命為經營宗旨,保證了公司能夠為客戶提供高等的銀鏡原片和各種玻璃制品,深受用戶的好評。 公司年生產能力2億元,產品60%以上配套出口至歐美等國,是世界非常大家居用品制造商IKEA(瑞典宜家)的供應商,和百安居、HDP等世界有緊密合作。 公司承諾一切以顧客需求為導向,竭誠與各界攜手共創美好明天。 公司將以有經驗化生產高質量的產品為已任,以市場的發展為導向。 我們熱忱歡迎國內外客商前來考察,建立長期友好的業務關系,愿新時代的“玉晶”品牌與您共創錦繡前程!
計量單位: 供貨總量: 最小起訂量:0 產品單價: 品牌: 規格型號: 包裝說明:國內鐵架包裝,國外適合海運的出口木箱包裝