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pc板用什么膠粘 PC膠粘劑 pc單機游戲排行榜2017
致力于特殊產品描述g-933 PC JUKAM Jujian膠系統采用專用樹脂。PC、PS、HIPS、粘接ABS,PVC,PMMA,GP,作為和其他硬膠粘貼或相互粘連,經室溫自然固化,定位時間快,固化后的膠粘劑,完全的不發白、防水、防腐、防銹性能。
Committed to special product description g-933 PC JUKAM Jujian Adhesive system uses special resin. PC, PS, HIPS, bonding ABS, PVC, PMMA, GP, as and other hard glue paste or mutual adhesion, the room temperature natural curing, positioning time fast, curing adhesive, completely not white, waterproof, corrosion , Excellent anti-rust performance.
Third, the operating instructions: The first step: surface treatment, first of all to remove the material surface of the oil or dust. The second step: glue, glue should be uniform thickness, in place, leaving no bonding blind spot. The third step: glue immediately after the rapid bonding pressure, so that both sides close fit!
The fourth step: g-933l glue for syringes, adhesive transparent PC plastic, no white mist, no traces, positioning fast (3-6 seconds positioning), 30 minutes or so with tear material effect
G-933m glue after bonding, about 10-15 minutes positioning, 24 hours after the test strength
G-933h glue after bonding, about 30-45 minutes positioning, 24 hours fully cured!
90ml /支,1公斤/桶,4公斤/桶,15公斤/桶,
Four, packaging
90ml / support, 1 kg / barrel, 4 kg / barrel, 15 kg / barrel,
Five, storage and quality
Store in a cool dry place! Away from fire Placed in children not reach the place! At room temperature shelf life of 12 months.
東莞市景舜復合材料有限公司于1993年在東莞大嶺山投入資金建成,是國內較有競爭力膠粘劑有經驗制造廠家之一,工廠擁有一批高素質研發團隊及工程技術人員,配備世界先進生產設備。自產品問世以來,營銷全國各地及美、日、歐、中東市場,質高價平的產品優勢深受廣大客戶青睞。 東莞市景舜復合材料有限公司旗下四可靠品牌:“巨箭JUKAM、全能王QNVOR、膠匠JOJON、KEYDAK”,所有產品均通過歐美環保認證,應用材質涵蓋:工程塑料,ABS,不飽和聚酯,聚乙烯,聚丙烯,硅橡膠,EPDM,壓克力,橡膠(天然橡膠、丁基橡膠),玻璃(普通玻璃、鋼化玻璃),陶瓷,纖維(碳纖維、尼龍),紙,金屬(不銹鋼,鐵,銅,鋁),聚苯乙烯,聚氯乙烯,聚碳酸酯,聚胺酯(PU),木制品,工藝品,玩具等;銷售網絡覆蓋大部分國家,憑著其優良的質量享譽世界。東莞市景舜復合材料有限公司年生產能力高達5000噸,具備有精良的有經驗研發設備配合生產研究,以保證產品的不斷改良優化及新產品的不斷推出,緊隨社會發展步伐,走在行業的前端。為更好的服務于市場,增強企業覆蓋廣度,于2001年引進較新的紫外線膠粘劑生產技術,生產“KEYDAK”品牌紫外線膠系列產品。公司憑借ISO及5S的精力,秉承“誠信、進取、創新、嚴謹”的企業文化,堅持“客戶至上、永恒發展”的經營理念,使企業得以持續有效的發展! 景舜優勢:1.品質高等2.技術先進3.設備齊全4.人才積淀