


  • 中玻跨境


Similar to those for chemical engineering, steel, cementing, thermal power and ceramics, the industry for glass is also well-known for its high-energy consumption and high-pollution, which brings us with the very frightening problems of environmental contamination, simultaneously, results in the production cost at such a higher level that the company has to confront with difficulties for daily managing. Fuel consumption is usually the largest cost for a glass company, occupying about 40-50% production cost for those with excellent management; it could also be even approaching 60% for a common company. As a result, energy-saving and consumption-reducing is not only a social problem, but also the key factor essential for company’ s survival.

In the last two decades, our company has paid great efforts on the research for energy-saving glass furnace while offering the glass technical service, and has successfully developed a series of energy-saving furnace with particular advantages including economical investment, low energy consumption and fast profit returns, and now several national patents have already been authorized regarding to the inventions on the glass furnace technology. Away from the traditional idea for glass furnace design, the energy-saving one employs the unique architecture modes and practical operating ideas on the basis of its inner working law, leading to the energy-saving of glass furnace arrived at a higher summit. Moreover, this one can save energy consumption, decrease pollutions and significantly reduce the construction fee of the glass furnace. Over a few years of the practical application of the production lines for the floating, photovoltaic and microcrystal glass industries, the latest energy-saving furnace technology has been gradually optimized, improved, and matured; accordingly, the practical application effect has already been extraordinarily ideal. The cost for floating glass has been decreased to 1200kcal/kg glass liquid, about 40% energy saved as compared with the traditional super-clear glass furnace (50,000 m3 natural gas was daily consumed for a 250 tons production line with 82% of the finished product rate), and the quality and production stability of glass is capable of dramatically enhanced.


從事行業: 建筑玻璃//建筑玻璃 企業商標: 安徽愛科玻璃節能技術有限公司

企業類型:股份有限公司 主營:節能型浮法玻璃窯爐,節能型超白玻璃窯爐,大型馬蹄焰浮法窯爐,特大型器皿馬蹄焰窯爐,全氧玻璃窯爐,平板玻璃工廠設計,輕工玻璃工廠設計,微晶玻璃工廠設計

經營模式: 服務型


注冊號:340191000034997 公司類型: 有限責任公司(自然人投資或控股)

法人代表:陳國忠 注冊資金: 280萬人民幣

成立時間:2014年06月16日 住所:合肥市高新區天智路同創科技實業園3號樓203室


實收資本:0 營業期限:2034年06月16日

登記機關:合肥市高新開發區市場監督管理局 管理體系認證:


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