


  • 中?缇
  • 壓花玻璃

    shahe city hongbang building materials co., ltd is situated in shahe—the city of glass, which is 4 hours down south from beijing. our factory is 1km from the jing-zhu express way, 2km from 107 nationa

    2011-08-13 0
  • 壓花玻璃

    shahe city hongbang building materials co., ltd is situated in shahe—the city of glass, which is 4 hours down south from beijing. our factory is 1km from the jing-zhu express way, 2km from 107 nationa

    2011-08-13 0
  • 壓花玻璃

    shahe city hongbang building materials co., ltd is situated in shahe—the city of glass, which is 4 hours down south from beijing. our factory is 1km from the jing-zhu express way, 2km from 107 nationa

    2011-08-13 0
  • 壓花玻璃

    shahe city hongbang building materials co., ltd is situated in shahe—the city of glass, which is 4 hours down south from beijing. our factory is 1km from the jing-zhu express way, 2km from 107 nationa

    2011-08-13 0
  • 壓花玻璃

    shahe city hongbang building materials co., ltd is situated in shahe—the city of glass, which is 4 hours down south from beijing. our factory is 1km from the jing-zhu express way, 2km from 107 nationa

    2011-08-13 0
  • 浮法玻璃

    浮法生產的成型過程是在通入保護氣體(n2及h2)的錫槽中完成的。熔融玻璃從池窯中連續流入并漂浮在相對 密度大的錫液表面上,在重力和表面張力的作用下,玻璃液在錫液面上鋪開、攤平、形成上下表面平整、硬化 、冷卻后被引上過渡輥臺。輥臺的輥子轉動,把玻璃帶拉出錫槽進入退火窯,經退火、切裁,就得到平板玻璃 產品。浮法與其他成型方法比較,其優點是:適合于率制造優質平板玻璃,如沒有波筋、厚度均勻、上下 表面平整

    2011-08-13 0
  • 浮法玻璃

    浮法生產的成型過程是在通入保護氣體(n2及h2)的錫槽中完成的。熔融玻璃從池窯中連續流入并漂浮在相對 密度大的錫液表面上,在重力和表面張力的作用下,玻璃液在錫液面上鋪開、攤平、形成上下表面平整、硬化 、冷卻后被引上過渡輥臺。輥臺的輥子轉動,把玻璃帶拉出錫槽進入退火窯,經退火、切裁,就得到平板玻璃 產品。浮法與其他成型方法比較,其優點是:適合于率制造優質平板玻璃,如沒有波筋、厚度均勻、上下 表面平整

    2011-08-12 0
  • 壓花玻璃

    shahe city hongbang building materials co., ltd is situated in shahe—the city of glass, which is 4 hours down south from beijing. our factory is 1km from the jing-zhu express way, 2km from 107 nationa

    2011-08-12 0
  • 壓花玻璃

    shahe city hongbang building materials co., ltd is situated in shahe—the city of glass, which is 4 hours down south from beijing. our factory is 1km from the jing-zhu express way, 2km from 107 nationa

    2011-08-12 0
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