聯系人:徐先生 電話: 傳真: 手機: 網址:www.hebhb.com 郵箱:xuzhanhu1@163.com hongbangjiancai@live.cn
聯系人:徐先生 電話: 傳真: 網址: www.hebhb.com 郵箱:xuzhanhu1@163.com hongbangjiancai@live.cn
聯系人:徐先生 電話:? 傳真: 網址:www.hebhb.com 郵箱:xuzhanhu1@163.com hongbangjiancai@live.cn
聯系人:徐先生 電話:? 傳真: 網址:www.hebhb.com 郵箱:xuzhanhu1@163.com?hongbangjiancai@live.cn
聯系人:徐先生 電話:? 傳真: 網址:www.hebhb.com 郵箱:xuzhanhu1@163.com? hongbangjiancai@live.cn
聯系人:徐先生 電話: 網址:www.hebhb.com 郵箱:xuzhanhu1@163.com hongbangjiancai@live.cn
shahe city hongbang building materials co., ltd is situated in shahe—the city of glass, which is 4 hours down south from beijing. our factory is 1km from the jing-zhu express way, 2km from 107 nationa
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