the round-cutting glass cutters are used for batch cutting variousround glass with diameters from 3mm to 55omm.both the manualcutter and the pneumatic one are equipped with imported alloycutter wheels
2011-08-08 0the round-cutting glass cutters are used for batch cutting variousround glass with diameters from 3mm to 55omm.both the manualcutter and the pneumatic one are equipped with imported alloycutter wheels
2011-08-08 0該機具有掰片厚度廣(可掰4-10mm玻璃小片)、掰片尺寸多樣、效率高、掰口垂直光滑、成品率高等優點。填補了國內外市場8這毫米以上玻璃小片自動掰片的空缺,以及從前期的玻璃開條到后期的掰片,可一次性實現,掰片機的掰片尺寸范圍可以15-50mm之間任意尺寸,適應掰片玻璃厚度為4-10mm,適應長方形及正方形玻璃形狀,掰片成品率可達90%以上,平均每天可掰500方左右。
2011-08-08 0the round-cutting glass cutters are used for batch cutting variousround glass with diameters from 3mm to 55omm.both the manualcutter and the pneumatic one are equipped with imported alloycutter wheels
2011-08-08 0優越性:可為您切割出任意形狀的玻璃,尤其適用于各類工藝、光學玻璃lcd玻璃廠家的小規格玻璃切割,配備專用的弧形臺面可切割弧度在1200以上的弧頭玻璃(汽車后視鏡廠家專用) 產品特點:1.切割頭的三坐標運動系列由高精度齒條、導軌、松下交流伺服系統和高分辨率的進口編碼組成。使設備性能可靠、誤差小、效率高。 2.從上片到切割,完全由計算機自動控制. 3.切割壓力可根據切割機速度自動自動調節. 4.
2011-08-08 0the round-cutting glass cutters are used for batch cutting variousround glass with diameters from 3mm to 55omm.both the manualcutter and the pneumatic one are equipped with imported alloycutter wheels
2011-08-08 0