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常州方成玻璃設備廠座落在風景優美、素有“魚米之鄉”之稱的文化古城常州南郊,此地交通便利,是新興的現代化工業城市。 工廠總占地面積二千多平方米,建廠歷史悠久,有著豐富的機械制造經驗,科技人員眾多,技術力量雄厚,工藝設備精湛。近年來,已為全國多家玻璃企業提供夾層玻璃生產流水線工程設計、全套技術服務,深受相關人士和用戶的一致好評。 產品有:玻璃深加工設備、玻璃清洗機、玻璃平壓機、真空預熱預壓機、合片機、中空壓機、熱彎爐系列;代理銷售PLC、變頻器、觸摸屏、伺服驅動系統以及各類儀器儀表等;精修、改造各國各類全自動玻璃生產設備。 Changzhou Fangcheng glass equipment factory is located in beautiful scenery,cultural south suburb of Changzhou of ancient city with the praise of "land of plenty",easily accessible here,it is the new developing modern city of chemical industry. The factory covers an area of more than 2,000 square meters,history is long to found the factory,have abundant machine-building experience , cientific and technical personnel are numerous,technical force is rich,the craft apparatus is consummate.In recent years,have already been much glass enterprises of the whole country,offer the production line engineering design,complete technological service of sandwich glass,identical favorable comment of expert and user deeply. The products are as follows,glass deeply processed apparatus,glass washing&drying machizne,glass roller machine,preheat&prepressure,glass roller machine bending furnace series.
員工人數:10-50人 廠房面積: 年營業額:
年進口額: 年出口額: 主要市場:大陸12南美,,
注冊資本: 公司網址:http://czfc.glass.com.cn產品屬性:
計量單位: 供貨總量: 最小起訂量:0 產品單價: 品牌: 規格型號: 包裝說明: