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Ultra white glass is a kind of ultra transparent low iron glass, also known as low iron glass, high transparent glass.It is a kind of high-quality, multi-functional new high-grade glass variety, light transmittance can reach 91.5% above, with crystal clear, high-grade elegant characteristics, known as the "crystal prince" glass family.Super white glass has all the machinable properties of high quality float glass at the same time. It has excellent physical, mechanical and optical properties, and can be processed like other high quality float glass.Unparalleled superior quality and product performance make ultra white glass has a broad application space and bright market prospects.The product characteristics of super white glass also set a field of application for super white glass.
High-end market
Ultra white glass with its crystal luster, clear brightness, good refractive index is also widely used in the high-end market.For example, the interior and exterior decoration of high-grade buildings, high-grade horticultural buildings, high-grade glass furniture, various imitation crystal products and cultural relics protection display, high-grade gold jewelry display, high-end shopping malls, shopping center space, brand stores and so on
Science and technology products
Super white glass is also used in some technology products, electronic products, high-end car glass, solar cells and other industries because of its good light transmittance.The development and application of solar energy will also provide a huge business opportunity for the development of ultra-white glass, which is needed in the glass substrates of solar photovoltaic power generation systems, because ultra-white glass has a transmittance of more than 92 percent.
For example, the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing uses saint-Gobain's ultra-white glass and Shanghai Opera.
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