帶 * 為必填項 關閉
- :45915
- 厚度:3mm-19mm
- 莫氏硬度:8
- 密度:2.5
- 透光率 :85
- 產地:中國廣東
- 純度:95
- 耐熱性:良好
- 品牌:山東金晶
- 熔點:1250攝氏度
- 顏色:超白長虹,普白長虹
- 是否提供加工定制:是
- 性能:其他
- 用途:建筑門窗,百葉窗玻璃,戶外燈具,淋浴房,果盤,燈飾等產業領域及高檔建筑裝飾
- :7
英文名:Rolled glass
Embossed glass is a flat glass made by calendering method. Before the glass is hardened, embossed glass is pressed on one side or both sides by a roller with engraved patterns, so as to make embossed glass with patterns on one side or both sides.
The surface of embossed glass is pressed to have all sorts of decorative pattern design with different depth, because the surface is uneven, so when the light passes through, produce diffused shoot namely, because this looks from the one side of glass when the object of another side, object image is vague, formed the characteristic with opaque light of this kind of glass.Additional, as a result of surface, embossed glass, have design of decorative pattern such as all sorts of pane, dot, lozenge, strip, very beautiful, also have good artistic adornment effect so.
Embossed glass is suitable for indoor space, bathroom doors and Windows and need lighting and need to block the line of sight of various occasions.Embossed glass is much stronger than ordinary flat glass because it is pressed.At the same time embossed glass can be produced into a variety of colors, can be used as a good decorative material for each space in the interior.Embossed glass has the characteristics of high strength and good decorative effect, which makes it widely used in all indoor Spaces.Sitting room, dining-room, study, screen, porch, suit to install embossed glass.With embossed glass similar is ground glass, ground glass and embossed glass, both do not have distinction on optical property, just the grain on the surface of ground glass is smaller and closer, because this passes ground glass reflection, refraction and diffuse light compared to embossed glass is more uniform and downy.
員工人數:10-50人 廠房面積: 年營業額:人民幣500萬元/年-人民幣1000萬元/年
年進口額:人民幣50萬元/年-人民幣100萬元/年 年出口額:人民幣50萬元/年-人民幣100萬元/年 主要市場:
注冊資本:人民幣200萬元/年-人民幣500萬元/年 公司網址:http://GZTwinkleglass.glass.com.cn主營產品:玻璃原片,玻璃開介,浮法玻璃,顏色玻璃,工藝玻璃,超白玻璃,平板玻璃,白玻,銀鏡,鏡子 公司成立年份:2014
地區:廣東 廣州 黃埔區
網址: http://GZTwinkleglass.glass.com.cn