


  • 中玻跨境

Hyman Quartz Glass Co., Ltd As a fabricator of quartz glass, Hyman Quartz Product company, was established in 2002. Hyman has 3 manufacturing plants, which allows us to maintain a wide range of inventory, and make in-time delivery of quartz tube, quartz plate, quartz instruments, uv and IR lampsquartz powder and other relative products. These projects are supported by the best engineers, machinists, and glass-blowing industry system works. Our factory has complete processing equipment and advanced inspection equipment, such as groving machine, laser cutting machines, size cylindrical grinder, 3D inspecting instrument, and projector and so on. Therefore, we can strategically meet customer demand. We are also good at technology products for all types of assistance, including SS fabrication and quartz quality verification. Because of our country's most state-of-the-art equipment and methods, we are able to achieve the industry's most stringent standards and tolerances. Our product workmanship and quality is always fully guaranteed. Hyman Quartz is proud of the expertise, and we welcome all opportunities of cooperation with valuable clients. We will provide prompt assessment of your project and offer.


從事行業: 儀器儀表玻璃//石英玻璃 企業商標: 連云港瀚海石英制品有限公司

企業類型:股份有限公司 主營:石英玻璃

經營模式: 生產型+貿易型


注冊號:320722000086110 公司類型: 有限責任公司(自然人獨資)

法人代表:朱舫 注冊資金: 30萬人民幣

成立時間:2013年02月22日 住所:連云港市東海縣東開發區黃河路98號


實收資本:30萬人民幣 營業期限:2043年02月21日

登記機關:東海縣市場監督管理局 管理體系認證:

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