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? ? ? ?海寧天龍布業有限責任公司,主要從事寬幅面料墻布等的研發,設計,生產及銷售,其旗下子公司,海寧宏明墻布數碼印花,主要從事無縫墻布數碼印花加工,壁畫數碼印花加工,工廠位于寬幅紡織面料集聚中心,海寧許村,成立至今,歷經三代人工匠精神努力,發展成為從面料織造,到提花,以及數碼印花,及獨立的設計師團隊,為墻布客戶提供全套的解決方案。
? ? ? ? 數碼印花墻布,作為被工廠新引進的印花方案,發展至今,已有一年有余,工廠投資兩百多萬,兩千多方場地,用于開發該新工藝,項目以一個較高的高度起步發展,目前擁有國內超高速導帶寬幅分散直噴設備,日產萬方,實現零庫存,快速交貨,并且有效的開發較多新花型。數碼印花墻布,采用水性墨水,較環保,不會揮發刺激呼吸道的氣體。聯系電話:韓先生
?? ? Haining Tianlong Cloth Co., Ltd., it put focus on the research, design, production and sales of width fabric(such as wall fabric-jacquard,Embroidery,yarn,Crepe,silk and so on).Its subsidiary company, Haining Homing wall fabric digital printing Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in seamless wall fabric digital printing production, mural digital printing production, the factory is located in the center of wide textile fabrics gathering, xucun town of Haining city, since its establishment, after three generations of artisanal efforts, has developed into from fabric weaving, jacquard, digital printing, and independent designer team, for wall fabric customers, supply a complete set of solutions.
? ? ? Digital printing wall fabric, as a new printing scheme introduced by factories, has been developed for more than a year. The factories have invested more than 5 million yuan and more than 2,000 sqm room to develop the new technology. The project started at a higher level. At present, it has the first domestic ultra-high speed direct injection equipment with wide dispersion of guide bandwidth, with a daily output of 10,000 square meters, achieving zero inventory, rapid delivery, and effective. More new designs have been developed. Digital printing wall fabric, using water-based ink, more environmentally friendly, will not volatilize the gas stimulating the respiratory tract. telephone num. +86 (wechat, whatsapp)
杭州宏華數碼科技股份有限公司(簡稱宏華數碼)是有經驗從事數碼印花機技術與設備的研發、生產、銷售與服務支持的高新技術企業。目前其數碼印花機產品和解決方案主要應用于紡織、印染、廣告、家居、個性化設計等相關領域,數碼印花機的研發及技術實力已達到全部水平。宏華成立于1992年,是高新軟件園核心企業,并先后榮獲國家火炬計劃項目,承擔國家“863”計劃研究項目,承擔“十五”期間國家高技術產業化示范工程項目,并被指定成立"國家數碼噴印工程技術研究中心”項目。宏華擁有全部的服裝CAD/CAM/CIM系統、數碼印花系統、噴墨直接制網系統、廣告噴繪系統、地毯噴印整體解決方案。宏華數碼印花機等業務分布在大部分國家多個國家和地區,目前海外市場的業務貢獻已超過50%,在大部分國家建立了效率高、有序、規范的業務網絡運作體系。宏華矢志不渝專注于數碼噴印整體解決方案的研發,分別和美國、中國多所大學及研究機構長期合作,在上海、杭州、蘇州設有數碼印花機研發及生產制作基地。給世界多一點綠色,讓生活多一點色彩,宏華數碼,為你精彩。公司地址:杭州濱江區濱盛路3911號電話:0571-86727393傳真:0571-86731792宏華數碼正規網站:http://www.atexco.com/阿里巴巴商鋪:http://cnhzhh.cn.1688.com/ 公眾微信平臺:杭州宏華Atexco新浪微博:http://e.weibo.com/atexco